We believe…
Christianity is not a program, a plan, a philosophical position, or even a set of theological propositions. Ultimately, Christianity revolves around a person (Jesus). Thus, the following is neither a comprehensive statement nor a checklist that you have to agree with to be a part of our community, but a concise list of what makes us tick.
We believe…
that God is both real and personal (not an impersonal force). That life, therefore, has meaning and purpose.
We believe that the world is not the way it’s supposed to be. That shame, loneliness, addiction, and every kind of pain begins in the heart and creeps outward, but that goodness and glory nevertheless surprise and delight us. We prefer the phrase “glorious ruin” to describe both ourselves and the world in which we live.
We believe that God spoke and is speaking, that God communicated consistently to his people throughout history, and that that communication is recorded in the literature we call the Bible.
We believe that God was and is encountered in Jesus of Nazareth. He is humanity’s champion. He faced evil in its fullest form for us on the cross. By letting it crush him, he broke its power. Now he brings hope that one day evil will be vanquished completely.
We believe in the reality and the power of grace. Though we are worse than we could possibly fathom, in and through Jesus Christ, we are more loved than we could ever wrap our minds around. We call this the Gospel.
We believe that everyone is created in the image of God. No matter how messed up we are, there is something good and true and beautiful and valuable about everyone. This transcends race, socio-economic status, gender, sexual orientation and creed. Thus, everyone (without exception) deserves our respect and love, not because of who they are or what they do, but by sheer virtue of being human.
We believe that the Church is the heart of Christian community. The Church doesn’t save, but functions as our adoptive spiritual family. It is the primary means by which we experience His grace, and the unique institution through which God grows us to be more like Jesus.
We believe that God cares for our broader community. Together with other churches and organizations serving Boulder County, we want God to use us to love our community sacrificially, to revitalize its institutions, and to renew its neighborhoods and culture.
We believe that the Westminster Confession of Faith (1646), while an unavoidably flawed and imperfect document, is a reliable and helpful summary of biblical, historic Christian teachings subordinate to Scripture.
We believe that denominational affiliation, rather than being a source of division or exclusion, is a thoroughly biblical means of being tangibly connected to the global church, leveraging combined resources for the good of our community, and holding ourselves accountable to God’s Word. The Table is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America, a denomination committed to seeing the Gospel transform all of life from the inside-out. We are also a project of Redeemer City-to-City and a member of the Acts 29 Church Planting Network.