Table Kids :: NEW Classrooms!

God is moving in Table Kids! He has provided teachers and assistants to allow us to GROW. The following new class divisions will allow us to expand and more effectively disciple the youngest members of our church family.

  • Early Childhood: mobile infants - 2 y/o

  • Preschool: approximately 3-4 y/o

  • Children's Church: Kindergarten-2nd Grade

  • Youth Volunteers: 3rd grade and up (coming soon!)

Early Childhood and Preschool will check-in as usual at the start of the service and go to their new classrooms. We’ll have signage and extra helpers upstairs for the first few weeks to ensure a smooth transition. *Please note: due to very low participation, there won’t be a dedicated class for infants at this time. They’re always welcome to join you in the service and we will have an area with a swing, exersaucer, and blanket in addition to the current nursing room!

If your child is in Kindergarten, 1st grade, or 2nd grade and wishes to participate in children's church, please check them in upstairs prior to worship and then come back downstairs . They will start with you in the service and be released to their Teachers/Assistants at the Passing of the Peace, who will then take them upstairs to their classroom. Please have them wear their name tag (they can’t come up without it!) and hold on to your claim sticker just like the other classes do. Check-out will be identical to children under 5. Promptly after worship, please bring your claim sticker upstairs to the check-in volunteer to pick up your child. Children will only be released to the adult with the matching claim sticker. Thank you for your cooperation with this procedure as it ensures the safety of all of the children.

Thank you again for stepping up to love and serve our youngest family members! If you have any questions or interest in serving with Table Kids, please email Beth and she will be happy to help however she can!