"Have Mercy On Me"
If you have been with us these past few weeks on Sunday morning, you'll notice we've been singing a new song called "Have Mercy on Me." It's a reflection of Psalm 130 with confession & assurance (an element of our liturgy) specifically in mind: when we confess our need for grace to our Father in Heaven, we are asking for mercy and forgiveness, but we then also rest in the assurance of His steadfast love. He doesn't wait for us to confess before He gladly offers grace. No, we are loved so sufficiently and abundantly that confessing our needs, failures and sins become a means of seeing and experiencing that grace more fully. We know that we can then rest in that promise because of the person and work of Jesus.
Martin Luther famously said, “When our Lord and Master Jesus Christ said, 'Repent,' he willed the entire life of believers to be one of repentance.” At first glance, that sounds pretty depressing and self-flagellating... in reality, it is liberating. We are freed from being defined by past screw-ups and failures, not because of anything we bring to the table (pun-intended), but because of what Jesus brings to the table. Whether we, as Christians, long for a posture of daily repentance or not, we can rest in the promise of Romans 8: "There is therefore no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." We can approach the throne of God with confidence, walking in repentance, knowing that we are secure in the love of Jesus. What could be more liberating than that?
Thus, we are excited to release this song to everyone as a free download, and it is our prayer that it is a blessing to you personally, as well as very practically give you an opportunity to be familiar with a song we will regularly have in the rotation at The Table. Enjoy!
Free Download of "Have Mercy on Me"